page# 6419 section 2: Single core processor, which works so efficient with new short processes that needs intensive calculations, it is advised not to use it for long tedious processes cause it usually leads to performance downgrade.
Development does not comprise having a good-looking UI, it comprises of having a sell-able product. Anyone can make something look good, few can make it work.
it is stikky not sticky because the second is already reserved :D Any way, I made this blog so I could share my sticky ... , sorry I mean my stikky notes with you. Also you can put yours, The main idea about the stikky notes is that it is used to remind us, not only tasks but sometimes we use it to write something that we don't want to forget like ideas, goals, effective words ,... so let's start sharing our stikky notes, let's share our idea , goals , tips , tricks , advices , ...... Everyone has the right to share his stikky note; as it is not harmful to someone else :D Thanks,